Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Very First Post! (Hopefully not the last)

Well everyone else is doing it so why not me? I am such a follower....I guess I will jump right in!

This year has defintely brought a little bit of excitement to the Place household. Mick will be finishing up his last year of school at Texas A&M and trying to find that most wonderful job we have been dreaming about the past 4 years. Not sure where we might end up. I think our ultimate goal is to get to St. Louis/ Illinois/ Missouri area because our parents both live up there and we love the scenery. Plus they actually have seasons up there, something that doesn't always happen here in Teaxs.
Another piece of excitement is that we are expecting our first child!Yeah! We have been married 4 years and I am sooooo ready. Baby Place is due on March 27, 2009 at 2pm. I really don't have an exact hour, although it would be nice if the baby would just let you know, but 2 sounds good to me. We will find out November 3 what the baby is which will allow me to start making some choices about boy/girl stuff. There are just so many important decisions to be made about colors, etc!
Well I guess this is a good snippet for now. Until later...


James & Kristen said...

What a cute name for your blog!!!

Dan and Ashleigh said...

Yay! Hollie's a blogger now!

Elaine said...

Isn't fun to jump on the bandwagon every now and again. :) Welcome to blogger! And congratulations!! So happy that you are expecting!

Janine said...

I found your blog through Elaine's. I'm so excited for you guys!

Deanna said...

yeah for Holly and Mick!!! I'm so glad that you have a blog now.
