Saturday, December 13, 2008

Finally a new post..for a new age!


After about a month and a half of having computer problems and then our computer dying and getting a new computer, I am posting once again. Yeah!
 This past week was quite an eventful week for many things but the pinnacle was December 10... my 26th birthday! I thought it was just going to be another ordinary birthday but Heavenly Father sent a special gift: SNOW!!! Some may not think that that is not such an exciting thing but I love this stuff and don't get to see it much, especially living in the part of Texas we do. When I looked out my window it looked like a dream come true, even though it was just a sprinkle. Well, there was more in store for the day. I got to work not really looking forward to work 
itself because I sit at a computer all day, drafting and it can get quite boring. Well my computer thought it was time for a break (permanent break that it is) and decided to call it quits. It wouldn't turn on and continued to making a very high pitched squealing noise along with clank clank every few squeals. I thought only dying animals could make these noises. I
 called the computer guy and he told me my hardrive just gave out and that they were going to have to replace it but it wouldn't be done by today. Luckily my data was able to be saved but I couldn't do my regular job so I got put on Christmas card duty which was so much better! It was like a mini vacation which lasted till Friday! Amidst stuffing envelopes with Christmas
 for all of our clients, we had a holiday luncheon Texas BBQ style and I also received two deliveries of the most beautiful flowers from my husband and my mom. And to just add the icing to the cake, it started snowing all over again and this time there were HUGE flakes and it lasted for hours which meant it was time to make a snowman! Later on Mick went and got the most scrumptious Strawberry Chocolate Mouse birthday cake and had some close friends/neighbors come over and devour most of it. 

          Needless to say it was the perfect ending to my perfect day!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


I got this article in my email today and even though my little one hasn't come quite yet, I look forward to my life and perspective changing as some of these parents have described it. If there are any moms that would like to add their own please comment!

Thirty-two things that change when you have a baby
by Rebecca WoolfLast updated: October 2008

What changes when you have a baby? A better question may be: What doesn't change? Here, writer and mom Rebecca Woolf lists her most notable post-baby observations. Then scroll down to read our favorite comments from readers about how their babies changed their lives.

1. You finally stop to smell the roses, because your baby is in your arms.
2. Where you once believed you were fearless, you now find yourself afraid.
3. The sacrifices you thought you made to have a child no longer seem like sacrifices.
4. You respect your body ... finally.
5. You respect your parents and love them in a new way.
6. You find that your baby's pain feels much worse than your own.
7. You believe once again in the things you believed in as a child.
8. You lose touch with the people in your life whom you should have banished years ago.
9. Your heart breaks much more easily.
10. You think of someone else 234,836,178,976 times a day.
11. Every day is a surprise.
12. Bodily functions are no longer repulsive. In fact, they please you. (Hooray for poop!)
13. You look at your baby in the mirror instead of yourself.
14. You become a morning person.
15. Your love becomes limitless, a superhuman power.

And from our readers...
1. "You discover how much there is to say about one tooth." — Ashley's mom
2. "You finally realize that true joy doesn't come from material wealth." — Anonymous
3. "You now know where the sun comes from." — Charlotte
4. "You'd rather buy a plastic tricycle than those shoes that you've been dying to have." — Sophie's mom
5. "You realize that although sticky, lollipops have magical powers." — Roxanne
6. "You don't mind going to bed at 9 p.m. on Friday night." — Kellye
7. "Silence? What's that?" — Anonymous
8. "You realize that the 15 pounds you can't seem to get rid of are totally worth having." — Brenda
9. "You discover an inner strength you never thought you had." — Ronin and Brookie's mom
10. "You no longer rely on a clock — your baby now sets your schedule." — Thomas' mom
11. "You give parents with a screaming child an 'I-know-the-feeling' look instead of a 'Can't-they-shut-him-up?' one." — Jaidyn's mom
12. "Your dog — who used to be your 'baby' — becomes just a dog." — Kara
13. "You take the time for one more hug and kiss even if it means you'll be late." — Tracey
14. "You learn that taking a shower is a luxury." — Jayden's mom
15. "You realize that you can love a complete stranger." — Dezarae's mom
16. You find yourself wanting to make this world a better place. — Arizona
17. If you didn’t believe in love at first sight before, now you do! — Ciara

Spying on the baby

For all who would like to know, Mick and I had our ultimate ultrasound yesterday and found out we will be having a boy. Mick of course is very excited and ready to get him started on a hammer and drill. This might sound funny but seeing the ultrasound made me feel like we were spying on our baby. Here he is, in his own little world doing who knows what (because I can't feel him yet) and we got to have a peek without him knowing. (Or do they know....) He was wiggling everywhere and wasn't always being cooperative for the angles we needed. We were also able to see that he has Mick's feet because his toes are really long and the second one is longer than his big toe which does not come from me. All the same I felt like we were really connected as a family and our first real moment together and we also have it on DVD! I love technology. I hope to post pictures within the next few days when my computer is back up and running.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Radio Station Contests

I never had much thought into actually entering those contests on the radio till this past week. My thought process was, " What are the odds of winning? Certainly I will never be one of those lucky people." Well I got wild and crazy and unlike myself and decided to do it. Our local radio station has a weekly drawing for all the bussiness here in town for a free lunch for 10 at TGIFriday's. So I submitted our name for the fun of it and low and behold got a phone call on Friday afternoon saying we had won! I don't know about you, but I feel that radio DJs and news anchors from the local news are like Hollywood celebrities, so when I heard the DJ, Dee, from the radio station on the other end of the line I nearly fell out of my chair in excietment. I was on Cloud nine the rest of the day and weekend and yesterday when we actually got to have our lunch. What I didn't know was the DJ's were going to be eating eating lunch with us as well. That just tops my list of cool things that can happen in College Station. Well it was the greatest lunch and I was nervous the whole time. I have to be the silliest person but oh well!

KO and Dee - My College Station Celebrities!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Very First Post! (Hopefully not the last)

Well everyone else is doing it so why not me? I am such a follower....I guess I will jump right in!

This year has defintely brought a little bit of excitement to the Place household. Mick will be finishing up his last year of school at Texas A&M and trying to find that most wonderful job we have been dreaming about the past 4 years. Not sure where we might end up. I think our ultimate goal is to get to St. Louis/ Illinois/ Missouri area because our parents both live up there and we love the scenery. Plus they actually have seasons up there, something that doesn't always happen here in Teaxs.
Another piece of excitement is that we are expecting our first child!Yeah! We have been married 4 years and I am sooooo ready. Baby Place is due on March 27, 2009 at 2pm. I really don't have an exact hour, although it would be nice if the baby would just let you know, but 2 sounds good to me. We will find out November 3 what the baby is which will allow me to start making some choices about boy/girl stuff. There are just so many important decisions to be made about colors, etc!
Well I guess this is a good snippet for now. Until later...